Light and Dark Experiment

Research Question

What environment was the best for the plant?


IV: the environment the plant grew in

DV: how much it grew


Controlled variables

All plants grew in the same soil

Also, they all grew in a petri dish


Discuss how it improved

Well, nothing really changed because two plants died and the one that grew barely did.



2 plants dead (1 by the window and one in the dark), 1 alive(in the light)



Based on my data, I can conclude that 2 plants died, the ones by the window and in the dark. The plant that survived was the one in the light. It grew 3 cm high. The reason the plants by the window and in the dark died is because the environment they grew in wasn’t appropriate.


Screenshot 2016-08-27 at 2.46.27 PM




Screenshot 2016-08-25 at 2.06.05 PM


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