SBC #5- School Schedule

Schools around the world all have different schedules. However, the 9th graders attending ISD (International School of Dakar), have a specific schedule to follow. We go to school from Monday to Friday and we have 8 different classes in total, though we only have 4 classes per day. Every class is 1 hour and 20 minutes. School start at 8:30AM, and finishes at 3:20PM. Between classes- depending on the time- we have either a 10 minute or a 5 minute break.

If I could change something about this schedule, it would definitively be to have a longer lunch; we only have from 12:00 to 12:25 (25 minutes). I really do think that the lunch break in a really important part of the school day because it is the time when students get to socialize, or even work on homework. I think that lunchtime should at least be 40 minutes long.

Something that I like about our schedule is that we never start with the same class; every morning of the week, we start school with a different class. I find this really good because then, you do not have to do math every morning for example. Also, if you are tired in the morning regularly, the schedule switches so you won’t neccesarily perform badly in a certain class.

What is your schedule like? Leave a comment below!


SBC #4- Summer 2K17

This summer, my family and I went to Bali, in Indonesia. There, we were fortunate enough to visit a really famous site called “Uluwatu Temple”. This temple was situated at the south western tip of the city, up to a cliff that is approximately 100 meters high. . I remember our tour guide saying that the once at the bottom of the cliff was the only part in Bali that touched the Indian Ocean.

Also, we stayed until sunset to watch a traditional dance called “Kecak Dance”. It is a men’s chorus chanting the words ‘ke-cak, ke-cak’. The dance consists of about fifty men forming rows and circle around a fire. This dance is actually performed as a “dance-drama and the story presented is a representation of the Ramayana epic. (Ramayana was a fictional Hindu prince)

The following picture were taken by me over this summer.